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Failing Loudly

There is a concept in IT called 'failing loudly' as opposed to 'failing silently'. The idea is when something goes wrong it should be obvious and generally everything should come to a halt instead of trying to carry on with errors.

An example of this is running a REST API …

Expiry dates on smart phones and other IoT devices

A while ago someone1 suggested the idea of putting an expiry date on smart phones. The idea was that when manufacturing a device the company would have to commit to pushing out fixes to any CVEs that come up until the given date. So when buying a phone there …

Submission to the Attorney-general's Department - Access to telecommunications data in civil proceedings

On the 21st of December 2016, the Attorney-general's Department requested submissions regarding the use of telecommunications data held by a service provider solely for the purpose of complying with the mandatory data retention regime in civil litigation. The original closure date for submission was the 13th of January but it's …

Thinking about how to defend against the PoisonTap

Recently the Samy Kamkar has come out with a device called a PoisonTap, a few months before that Mubix was talking about getting credentials from a locked computer with the LAN Turtle.

Both these attacks exploit the same underlying issue which is that most operating systems (Windows, Linux1 and …

Fixing no valid mx hosts found

I've been hosting my own email on this domain for just over a year now and I hadn't noticed any problems until a couple of days ago a German friend of mine using GMX tired to send me an email and it bounced back with the error message "no valid …

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