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What is a TPM

There is a great video that's come out of 2016 where Matthew Garrett talks about Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) what they are, what they can do and how you can use them to secure your computer.

Before watching the video I was vaguely aware that there are …

Running rm -rf / permanently bricks a laptop

There was an email posted to the PLUG mailing lists recently about a user that had run rm -rf / and bricked their laptop. It was a fascinating story and I lost a good hour or so reading through that thread, the GitHub issues and responses etc...

The exact specifics might …

AviD's Rule of Usability

There is a quote that's been floating around Security Stack Exchange for a while that I like, it's called AviD's Rule of Usability:

"Security at the expense of usability, comes at the expense of security."

I think it's brilliant. I've see it several times where security has made things too …

Gamification of Security

I've been thinking a lot recently about gamification of security. Giving people scores for how well they do security. Things like getting an "A+" on the SSL Labs or on test.

Working through Google or Facebook's "Security Checklists" of things like password length and enabling 2 factor authentication …

Why I can't patch the Juniper Backdoor

It's Thursday the 14th of January 2016, and it's now 25 days after I first heard about the Juniper backdoor (I heard about it on Monday the 21st of December 2015) and I still haven't patched it yet. We don't use the VPN and have never had SSH open to …

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