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Moving beyond PEP 8

I recently watched Raymond Hettinger - Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code - from PyCon 2015. It was an ammazing talk and I'd higly reccomend it to anyone wanting to write readable Python code.

One of the first things he tackled was the 79 character line limit. That's something …

Calculating a base64 encoded sha256 sum of inline scripts for your content security policy

A while ago I wrote a post on HTTP Security Headers and part of that invloved setting up a content security policy (CSP) and in that I say

I've done a SHA-256 hash of the script

and I just left it at that, simple right? Only now a it's little …

Occam's razor

I mentioned Occam's razor in a previous post and it's a philosophy I'm a huge fan of. Especially in information secuirty.

Often it's summed up as

"the simplest explanation is usually the correct one"

I think it's easy to get carried away with theories that could be posible rather than …

The HP Automated Storage Manager Server service terminated unexpectedly.

About a week ago we had an issue with a HP X1600 G2 Network Storage System Server. After rebooting we got an error message in the event log roughly ever minute with Event ID 7031

The HP Automated Storage Manager Server service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time …

Attribution is about more than just technical evidence

There is a story that's been doing the rounds lately about malware that took control of microphones and uploaded over 600 GB of audio to its command and control. As others in the security industry have pointed out this is a great example of where we can make fairly confident …

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