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The struggle with apathy

I like many people struggle1 with apathy, it's not that I'm depressed or that I don't find enjoyment in doing things. I still get that hacker like thirst for knowledge, that need to solve a problem or to understand what makes something tick. But sometimes I think it would …

How to tunnel data over DNS

A while ago I wrote a post on tunneling data over DNS that was a technical explanation of what's going on. This post is a tutorial on how to setup a DNS tunnel with iodine.

I'm using DNS Made Easy as my main DNS provider, Debian on an EC2 for …

You should try to outrun the bear

If you have worked in IT Security for a while you will probably have heard the old saying;

"You don't have to outrun the bear you only have to outrun the other bloke"1

I've heard it several times and it annoys me because it's almost always used to defend …

Seting up Matrix Synapse and Riot on Debian 8 Jessie

My partner is going over seas and wanted to be able to make video calls to me back in Australia. Unfortunately because I use F-Droid and don't have the Google Play store on my phone1 I don't have WhatsApp or Viber or Facebook Messanger or... But I recently came …

Backing up a remote server with rsync

I've got a couple of VPS boxes over at RansomIT including the server that run this site1. One of those boxes is a cheap little VPS with 512MB of RAM that costs me $5 a month. I need to back up this box, my usual go to for personal …

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