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Upgrading from Piwik 2.17.1 to Piwik 3.0.0

Piwik have just announced the release of Piwik 3.0 and I was excited to try it out. I've been running Piwik on this site for just over a year. I like Piwik because it allows me to run analytics1 on this site while respecting users privacy, giving users …

Setting up mailpile on Debian 8 Jessie for remote access

I've never yet found a mail client that I really love. Outlook is ok in corporate environments. Gmail is probably the best I've used but I'm trying to move away from Google and free 3rd party hosted solutions. Roundcube is pretty good, I'm not a fan of PHP but most …

Alternative Networks for this site - Tor

Last week I looked a few alternative censorship resistant networks and setup an I2P eepsite. This week I've made Exotic Security available as a Tor hidden service.


I like vanity domain names so first I downloaded Scallion and generated an onion address that started with 'exoticsec'.

Scallion …

Alternative Networks for this site - I2P

I've been very interested in all the different censorship resistant that seem to have sprung up over the last few years so I thought I'd have a look at hosting this site on them. It seems like the ideal site to try them out with because I use pelican to …

Setting up Gogs on Debian Jessie with Apache2 and PostgreSQL

These are my notes from setting up Gogs on Debian 8 Jessie with Apache2 and PostgreSQL.

This guide assumes you have a fresh copy of Debian Jessie and it's up to date sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove.


On my server access to all ports except …

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