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Setting Up Full Disk Encryption on Debian Jessie

Update 2017-06-29: I've done an updated version of this tutorial with Debian Stretch. The updated version is simplified, it uses the graphical installer and guided partitioning. However, if you want to manually partition your disks, this tutorial will still work for Debian Stretch.

This is part 2 of a two …

Full Disk Encryption on Linux

Full disk encryption on Linux is surprisingly easy once you pick up a few basic commands you are good to go. Although that being said GPG is surprisingly easy too, or at least basic usage is not that hard. But as I pointed out in The best crypto is the …

Tunneling data over DNS

This is an overview of how Tunneling data over DNS works, for a tutorial see How to tunnel data over DNS.

Tunneling data over DNS isn't a new idea but it's one that surprisingly few people even in the security industry are aware of. Software to do dns tunneling has …

Security and the Media

It's time for me to don my grumpy old man pants and have a whinge about how the attention of the main stream media is like a kitten with glittery bauble. Running all over the place focusing on the flashy and the new instead of focusing on the real issues …

Estimating the security of software

Estimating the security of software is something that most systems administrators do instinctively, whether consciously or subconsciously. I have heard people say things like "Don't use WordPress it's always getting hacked", "Linux is more secure than Windows"1 or "Macs don't get viruses"2. All of these are estimates about …

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