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Backup to S3 and restore to EC2

There is an old saying that "there are two types of sysadmins, those that do make backups and those that will make backups". Hopefully there are not too many of the second group. But backing up the data is only part of the picture, you also need to think about …

The best crypto is the crypto you don't see

Moxie Marlinspike, a security researcher and cryptography expert for whom I have a lot of respect published a somewhat controversial article GPG And Me. Moxie says that he thinks of GPG

"as a glorious experiment that has run its course"

And I hate to admit it, but think he is …

Is antivirus dead yet?

For a long time I've felt that the usefulness of antivirus has been declining and I'm starting to wonder when it will finally die out, or more likely be absorbed into other security products and cease to exist as a standalone product.

Looking at enterprise (and completely ignoring home users …

Changing SSH from port 22

Changing the SSH service to run a port other than 22 is fairly common security practice but I don't like it. The problem is that I find it really hard to argue against doing it, because it works.

What ever else I might say in this post it doesn't change …

Liars & Outliers

I read Liars & Outliers in September 2012 however I've only just decided to review it now in September 2015 so this review could be seen as "Which points had enough impact that they stuck with me for 3 years?". There might be some mistakes in this review from my hazy …

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