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Why I've gone off bitcoin a bit

I first heard about Bitcoin at a Perth Linux Users Group talk in 2012 at a Perth Linux Users Group talk, where I thought it was a great idea but didn't think it would really take off so I didn't really pursue it.

But it kept coming up again an …

The best long haul flight tip I've got, bring an empty bottle

An IT Security focused blog is not really the right place to give out travel tips, but it's my blog so here we go.

I've received lots of great travel tips over the years but one of the best ones was for any flight you go on, especially long haul …

Are loot boxes gambling?

First of all, always read the disclaimer1. I was watching an episode of Extra Credits a while ago and they were addressing loot boxes in games. At 4:22 in the video the question of whether loot boxes are gambling comes up, they say that more research is required …

Where in the world is Michael Van Delft?

In August 2015, I set myself the goal of publishing one post per week on this site for at least a year. I've managed that goal, this will be my 124th post and so far I've had great fun writing.

By the time this post gets published I will have …

Simple Windows SMTP relay

In a recent post I mentioned that I had survived an Office 365 migration with only minimal scarring. We run HPE Content Manager which is "Enterprise Software". Just like the large government agencies that Content Manager is designed for it's big, slow, resistant to change, expensive, bureaucratic but yet incredibly …

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