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Spam Filtering

Since I've started hosting my own email server I've been using spam assassin for my spam filtering. All in all it does a pretty good job of stopping spam but unfortuantly without the volume of mail Google has to train it's filter it will simply never be as good as …

Using the new(ish) Nextcloud updater

I first started playing with ownCloud back in early 2012 with version 3, and started using it seriously in mid 2014 as my main tool for syncing my Calendar, Contacts and files having migrated away from Google's Calendar/Contacts/Drive.

But one of my biggest complaints was the update mechanism …

Seting up Matrix Synapse and Riot on Debian 8 Jessie

My partner is going over seas and wanted to be able to make video calls to me back in Australia. Unfortunately because I use F-Droid and don't have the Google Play store on my phone1 I don't have WhatsApp or Viber or Facebook Messanger or... But I recently came …

Setting up mailpile on Debian 8 Jessie for remote access

I've never yet found a mail client that I really love. Outlook is ok in corporate environments. Gmail is probably the best I've used but I'm trying to move away from Google and free 3rd party hosted solutions. Roundcube is pretty good, I'm not a fan of PHP but most …

The Search Bubble

Duck Duck Go have a very compelling argument for why we should use them over say Google or another search engine. Apart from the privacy aspect where they claim they are not tracking us1. They talk about the "search bubble" it's easy to see, just open up a new …

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