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A morbidly fascinating look at Australian causes of death

Recently a discussion came up on the ITPA discourse, where the Australian Federal Government is trying to get backdoor1 access to the content of encrypted messaging apps.

This included a great quote2 from our esteemed leader Malcolm Turnbull:

"The laws of mathematics are very commendable but the only …

Crashplan no longer offer restore to door service

A while ago I got an email from someone who was Googling for rsync crashplan and stumbled upon a previous blog post about backing up servers with rsync then using Crashplan to backup those files.

They were desperately looking for some kind of rsync-like solution to restore a lot of …

Sleazy marketing

I was recently looking at a number of application whitelisting solutions and one of the ones I was looking at was Carbon Black. I spent quite a bit of time on their website trying to see if they actually published any solid, useful, technical documentation about what it is they …

Setting Up Full Disk Encryption on Debian 9 Stretch

Previously I did a tutorial on Installing Debian 8 Jessie with full disk encryption, in that tutorial I went into a lot of detail about manually partitioning the disks. If for some reason you want to manually partition your disks I would reccomend that tutorial, it will still work for …

Installing OpenCanary on a Raspberry Pi

A few recent Risky Business podcasts have been sponsored by Thinkst and they have been plugging their Canary tools. Basically, little honeypots that sit on your network and sends an alert when something tries to access them. To me, the idea sounded pretty cool but when I looked at their …

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