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Why I like the MIT License

Recently I've spent a little too much time thinking about open source licenses.

Whenever I start a new project I struggled to pick a license, there are dosens open source licenses that are all more or less the same. In fact worese than being the same many licenses that have …

ASD's Essential Eight

I've long been a fan of the advice from the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) [previously the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD)]. Not too long ago they changed their "Top 4" to their "Essential Eight".

What I like about ASD's advice is that it's easy to read, in comparison ISO 27001:2013 …

Designing for Failure

I recently purchased my grandfather's house which he built himself in the mid 1950s. My fiancé and I were painting the house and we came across a pipe sticking out of the wall just above the rain water tank.

Pipe above rain water tank

Looking inside the roof we discoved that this pipe came from …

Fair use and copyright reform in Australia

I've just finished listening to the audio book of Cory Doctorow's Information Doesn't Want to Be Free. It's a fascinating read and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in copyright.

Admittedly some bits are a little repetitive but it really hammers home how broken the current copyright system is and …

If you're not paying for it you're not the customer you're the product

There are exceptions to every rule. I'm certainly not saying every free service exists to profit from it's users. I believe in charity and people doing things for the common good. Wikipedia and the Linux Kernel are great examples.

But even with Wikipedia, I would say the "customer" are people …

Creative Commons License
Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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