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Using Piwik Analytics

I once heard Google Analytics described as crack cocaine for marketing folks and webmasters. Now I've never tried crack cocaine, but I have tried Google Analytics and I can see why once you have had it, it's pretty hard to let go.

It gives you a bunch of information, most …

Adoption of new technologies

Google have published some statistics about the rate of IPv6 adoption. They have a better view into traffic and adoption rates than most and so their statistics are generally considered to be the most accurate, but I've always found their graph a little puzzling. Some days it's around 9% and …

Good Bye Google

I'm planning on writing a series of posts tagged with "Good bye Google" that will cover my progress over the last few year in leaving the Google eco-system and moving to open source self hosted alternatives.

I wanted to start with this post first though to explain my rational behind …

My Experience in the Let's Encrypt Limited Beta.

I was lucky enough to get into the Let's Encrypt Limited Beta. I signed up from the link on their community page and a few days later got the email saying the domains I'd signed up with had been white listed and I could get certificates now.

I went to …

Full Disk Encryption on Linux

Full disk encryption on Linux is surprisingly easy once you pick up a few basic commands you are good to go. Although that being said GPG is surprisingly easy too, or at least basic usage is not that hard. But as I pointed out in The best crypto is the …

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