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SEO spear spamming

I've recently started receiving a new type of spam1. It's fairly targeted, so like spear phishing, I'd call this stuff spear spamming.

Instead of regular spam which usually falls into categories like "Buy pills online", "Meet single ladies tonight" and "Open this malware laced attachment" this one is sent …

Code reuse is good for security

I was listen to a podcast1 recently and Stephen Ridley from Senrio said "code reuse is vulnerability reuse" and I don't like that.

I don't think Stephen is wrong, I think he is correct in a way and he is a very smart person. The problem is that you …

Looking through GitHub's DMCA takedowns

GitHub publish a copy of all the DMCA takedown notices GitHub receives.

One thing I found very interesting was looking at their graphs showing the number of commits over time.

GitHub DMCA takedowns

Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that DMCA takedowns are being issued more often in general, it could simply be …

Does Microsoft's Office 365 licensing model encourage poor security practices?

I've recently survived a migration to Office 365 with relatively few scars and coming out only slightly more cynical, bitter and twisted than I was when I when I started1.

I remember speaking to a Microsoft sales rep at some conference or other, they said that in Office 365 …

CrashPlan personal is shutting down

I’m currently using CrashPlan to back up my home server, desktop, laptop and a few computers for family members. I’ve been fairly happy with it and it ticks most of the boxes. But I recently got the email saying that CrashPlan for home will be shutdown.

So now …

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