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Installing Duplicati on Windows 10

For this setup I'm using Duplicati to backup to Backblaze. In a previous post I've written some instructions on setting up Backblaze.


First head on over to Duplicati and download the latest version for Windows (at the time of this writing that's

Start the installer …

Setting up Backblaze for Duplicati

I've been looking for new backup software for a few months and I've found Duplicati. I'm absolutely stoked with it, it does everything I want from backup software.

Duplicati can backup to a number of different locations and there are several cloud options but I've chosen to go with Backblaze …

Just use subdomains

Recently Brian Krebs ran a story about a domain that dell forgot to renew and lost control of for a period of time.

One thing that I noticed from the story was that the domain was

I have no idea why large organisations insist on registering new domains …

Email addresses with apostrophes and mail loops

Recently we encountered an issue sending an email from one domain, hosted on Office 365 to another domain also hosted on Office 365. The destination email address had an apostrophe e.g. tim.o' and we were getting the error message. 554 5.4.14 Hop count exceeded …

A national identity system

A national identity system is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. No real answers here, just musings...

The Problem

There are many departments at all levels of Government that need to track people for various reasons, but each implements its own system and no system is universal;

The …

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