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Rediscovering F-Droid

I recently bought a Nokia 6.1 and I've been Loving it but it's running stock Android and one of the best ways to secure your Android device is to not install random apps that you don't trust, and especially not to install untrusted apps that didn't come from the …

Nokia 6.1 Review


I bought a Nokia 6.1, I've used it for 3 months, I think it's brilliant. My wife's old phone needed replacing, I was so happy with my phone that I suggested she get a Nokia 6.1 too.

Some context

In May 2018 I bought a Nokia 6 …

How many android patterns are there?

This is a post I've had kicking around in my drafts folder for just over 2 years now so I've decided to publish it as a partly complete problem.

One of my favorite pastimes, when I'm bored, is solving the puzzles on Project Euler1. I'm not very far through …

The value of instant feedback

I am a huge believer in the value of instant feedback within security. It's important to pick at what point you give feedback because you don't want to risk spamming users. It's been shown several times that if you show users warnings and they are regularly false alarms that people …

Two new iPhone security features

I am at heart a bit of an open source hippy who sees the world through rose coloured glasses. I want to believe that Android1 is the best mobile operating system because it is at it's core open source and it gives users the freedom to run their own …

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