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How to mount a VHD file on linux

How to do it

Install libguestfs

For Debian and Ubuntu this is pretty easy

sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools

For Red Hat, Centos, Fedora

sudo yum install libguestfs-tools

For Arch Linux (my distro of choice) you need to install 3 packages from the AUR

git clone https://aur …

A simple hack to get around VPN IP conflicts

sudo ip route add dev ppp0

Recently my Aunty had some problems with her backup software at her business and asked if I could help. I could connect in to their VPN but their network was on the subnet and I …

Installing Duplicati on an Arch Linux Laptop

For this setup I'm using Duplicati to backup to Backblaze. In a previous post I've written some instructions on setting up Backblaze.


To install Duplicati simply run

git clone
cd duplicati-latest
makepkg -si

Then enable and start the service

sudo systemctl enable duplicati …

Installing Duplicati on a headless Debian Linux server

For this setup I'm using Duplicati to backup to Backblaze. In a previous post I've written some instructions on setting up Backblaze.

SSH into the server

The first thing we have to do is to SSH into the server, because Duplicati will be running as a web service on port …

Setting Up Full Disk Encryption on Debian 9 Stretch

Previously I did a tutorial on Installing Debian 8 Jessie with full disk encryption, in that tutorial I went into a lot of detail about manually partitioning the disks. If for some reason you want to manually partition your disks I would reccomend that tutorial, it will still work for …

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